Kettle Creek Battlefield
The Kettle Creek Battlefield is located approximately 11 miles south of Washington, Georgia. At the end of War Hill Rd, Washington, GA 30673
Driving Directions
From Atlanta, take I-20 east to exit 130, GA 44 - Greensboro. GA 44 east goes to Washington, but with a few turns. From the exit go east 3 miles to Greensboro and turn right, still following GA 44 east to Union Point (7 miles). In Union Point you must take a left turn to stay on GA 44 east to Washington (24 miles). After the intersection of Hwy 22 and Hwy 44 go about 3 miles to Stoney Ridge Rd, turn left at sign, follow to Orr Rd turn Left, War Hill Rd will be on your left. Follow signs. Travel time: about 2 hours
From Augusta, take I-20 west to exit 172, turn right onto US 78 - Thomson and go west to Washington (21 miles). At the red light at McDonalds turn left, follow business 78 through town, turn left onto Hwy 44 south, at Golden Pantry, follow Hwy 44 (Greensboro Rd) about 7 miles to the second Stoney Ridge Rd turn right at sign then follow the above directions to Orr Rd. Travel time: about 1 hour
Coordinates are
DMS: 33*41'24.4''N 82*53'09.6''W
DD: 33.6901 -82.886
GPS: N33.691 W82.886